OHMIGOSH, I've actually kept track of the events of a game so I can give a real batrep. Amazing!
I played a few small games last night against Gabe's budding Dark Eldar army. Played an objective based game on a 4x4 table. 4 Objectives, Dawn of War deployment. Gabe won the roll-off, deciding to deploy and go first.
A note about our lists, also : We both wrote them up hastily on the spot, and as a result we both jacked them up slightly. (I fielded one too many hive guard, he fielded splinter cannons in 9 man Kabalite Warrior troop).
Hive Tendril Orochi : HQ - Tervigon : Catalyst/AG/TS/Scytals
Elites - 2x Hive Guard (3 cause i'm dumb! ^___^)
Troops - 10x Termagants : Devourers (devilgaunts)
13x Hormagaunts : AG
Kabal of the Howling Gale : HQ - Homunculi : Liquifier gun/Power Weapon
Homonxuli : Liquifier gun/Power Weapon
Troops - 9x Kabalite Warriors : Splinter Cannons/1x Splinter Cannon
9x Kabalite Warriors : Splinter Cannons/1x Splinter Cannon
2x Raiders (Splinter Racks, Night Fields)
Dark Eldar Turn 1
Gabe decided to start the game off strong by flying one of his raiders up on top of some ruins on his side of the board. Through sheer Eldar finesse and skill, the raider was immobilized in a stunning display of unfortunate rolling. His other raider flew over to a cluster of large rocks to secure one of the objectives on his side of the board.
His shooting went more fortunately. He unloaded his immobiziled raider's and it's occupants' weaponry into my poor Hormagaunts in the middle, ripping 5 to shreds in a hail of shrapnel. His other raider did the same, targeting my devilgaunts taking refuge inside of the ruins on my side of the board, managing to put down one of my devils.
Tyranids Turn 1
Thanks to Gabe's night fields I knew I'd need to weather a few turns of shooting until I could get into a good position to put a hurting on him. So I spent my first turn working out my Tervigon's inundated belly, creating 8 gaunts, immediately having them run their way towards the other objective amongst the obelisks.
Besides this I just moved my forces forward, my hormagaunts scampered their way nearer to Gabe's precariously parked Raider, my hive guard moved towards the middle of the board, seeking to put their weapons in range of his raider.
My Tervigon began moving towards the left edge of the board, looking to flush out Gabe's other raider, sitting on top of an objective.
2 Objectives on each side of the board
Dark Eldar Turn 2
The only movement during turn 2 was the ridiculous disembarking of Gabe's immobilized Raider atop the ruins. Gabe piled his DE on top of one another in a very illegal fashion, but it was a friendly game, so I didn't care either way. (Plus, this barred him from benefiting from his splinter racks)
His stranded raider and it's freshly dispensed occupants unleashed more hurting on my quickly approaching Hormagaunts, killing 6 more and reducing my brood to a paltry 2.
His other raider, standing strong next to an objective fired another salvo into my devilgaunts inside of my building, killing 3 more.
Tyranids Turn 2
My Tervigon casted Catalyst on itself, produced 8 more guants, and unfortunately rolled doubles while doing so ; resulting in a blown sphincter. No more free gaunts.
My Tervigon and it's new batch of gaunts continue to scamper their way up the left side of the board, approaching one of Gabe's raider's and it's objective. My Hormagaunts and hive guard continue to advance on the immobilized raider on the right side of the board.
My shooting falls short by inches, those night fields seem pretty invaluable.
My Hormagaunts manage to skitter up the sides of the ruins, meeting Gabe's Kabalite's in combat. My hormies managed to kill one kabalite warrior, payed for by having my two remaining gaunts wiped out.

Dark Eldar Turn 3
Gabe's left-most raider broke from it's position near the boulders and objective, fleeing from the oncoming Tervigon and gaunts.
His Kabalites and Homunculus hopped back into their immobilized raider, taking advantage of it's splinter racks again.
The Immobilized raider and it's occupants took aim at the approaching Tervigon, inflicting 3 wounds to it.
Tyranids Turn 3
Realizing that the way the game was heading, (away from my board edge) I decided to move my devilgaunts out of my building and towards Gabe's freshly abandoned position amongst the boulders to secure the objective. I swung my 8 gaunts back around to take up position in the devilgaunts place, holding the objective.
My Hive guard continued to advance, my Tervigon casts catalyst on itself once more and changes trajectory ; now heading towards the fourth objective amongst the ruins, below Gabe's immobilized raider.
Turn 3 finally saw my Hive Guard near enough to take some shots at the immobilized Raider, and in an impressive display of poor rolling managed to roll 3 out of 4 1s, the fourth shot penetrating, blowing off the Raider's splinter cannon.
Dark Eldar Turn 4
The immobilized raider and occupants unleashed their salvo into my Hive Guard, putting one wound on one of them.
The mobile Raider's occupants unload on my Tervigon but inflict no wounds.
Tyranids Turn 4
My Devilgaunts continue to hoof it to the rocks and objective. My other spawned squad of gaunts fail their synapse LD roll and lurk their asses into the ruins containing my initially held objective.
My Tervigon continues to charge towards the ruins.
My Hive guard take another shot at the Immobilized Raider, this time causing it to explode, two kabalite warriors perishing in the ensuing inferno.
Dark Eldar Turn 5
Turn 5 saw Gabe's still-moving Raider swoop in behind the ruins, placing him in a perfect position not to get any shots on my units, which was nice. The surviving occupants of the destroyed raider hop down into the ruins.
The Kabalite's and Homunculus fire on my Hive Guard again, inflicting another wound, killing off one of my HG.
Tyranids Turn 5
Tervigon continues it's charge. Devilgaunts fail synapse LD test and lurk their asses into the boulders, securing another objective. Hive Guard reposition a bit.
Hive Guard fail at shooting, doing nothing to the raider behind the ruins.
Tervigon fires it's cluster spines at the remaining kabalite warriors/Homonculi, scattering far off and almost striking itself.
Gabe rolls, game continues.
Dark Eldar Turn 6
Gabe's forces stay where they are this point. He states that he's aware that he's lost the game but wants to play it out.
All remaining forces pour fire into my hive guard. Inflicting 3 wounds, reducing the brood to one HG with 1 wound.
Tyranids Turn 6
Tervigon continues his mad dash for delicious biomass. My broods of gaunts stand in circles around 3 objectives, chatting it up and generally being bored.
My last HG takes his shots at the Raider behind the ruins, managing to cause it to explode! Three dirty DE are consumed in the flames.
I roll, game continues.
Dark Eldar Turn 7
Gabe's Kabalite's and homunculus fire at my remaining hive guard, failing to cause any wounds.
Tyrnids Turn 7
My Tervigon finally reaches his precious nom-noms. Ripping two Kabalite warriors apart and contesting the fourth objective.
Tyranids Win : 3 Objectives to DEs 0
A little late but I like this batrep! Cool pics and what did you use for your Tervigon? Very cool!