Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pre-Tourney Rushing

We're one week away from Coastal Assault 2011, and I'm rushing to get some work in before it arrives. I've been doing a good deal of basing. Touching up my old carnifex, painting my Tervigon, finished up my second brood of hive guard, and almost have my Tyranid Prime conversion in one piece.

Here's some pics of my hasty work

 Need to reapply a very thin coat of stain to the updated highlights on the carapace and he's good to go.

 Trygon Base : still have some touching up to do, and I'll eventually be adding a severed SPAYS MUHREEN body or body-part.

 Second hive guard brood, and bases in progress.

I hope to have my Tervigon painted by the tourney, I know I definitely won't have his base completed. I aim to atleast have my Tyranid Prime in one piece for the tourney. Too much sculpting, I hate sculpting. D: