Saturday, November 13, 2010

Warhammer all freaking day

I woke up Friday, had some lunch with Ryan. Played a few 1850 point games against Ryan.
Had dinner. Played another game against Mike Miller's orks. Watched Ryan finish up a game against Carter's Space Wolves and finally drove back home.

Left the house at about 10AM. Got back home at about 1:30AM. Long ass day of warhammer.
Had a lot of fun. My coastal assault list continues to plow through the lists I've put it up against thus far, and i'm continuing to refine my tactics with the list. Good times.

I went 3/0 for the day, if you were wondering. I had Ryan doubting his list until he pooped on Carter's space wolves with it. (I'm just that good)

Game 1 Deployment

Subsequent turns in game 1. Annihilation. Ryan's squishy tanks were his undoing.

Turn 1 of game two. 5 Objectives

Game 3 at Carter's house against the green tide. I enjoyed seeing the other player die in droves due to forced fearless armor saves. Gleeee~

Mike and his orks conceded at the top of the fourth turn.

Just snapped one pic in Ryan vs. Carters late game. It was a drop pod/vehicle clusterfuck.