All right, my armies.
I've been into the whole tabletop hobby for not even a year at this point, and I try not to become homeless while doing so : which means I currently run one 40k army (My nids), and i've just begun to collect a fantasy army (WoC)
If the pics didn't tip you off : I'm pretty horrible at keeping a steady rate of painting.
I'm hoping the blog keeps me from slacking as hard as I have been.
I don't have much to display for my fantasy army, so here are a few blue, sexy warriors (who are a WIP).
My current project and consequently the bain of my existence is one of my majestic Trygons.
By far my favorite model in the army. I've spent an exorbitant amount of time painting him, and it's tedious as all hell. He's currently without a tail because I plan to pin it so I can swap out the different tails. His lower jaw and mandibles (which aren't on in the pics) are also magnetized, cause I can't be asked to lock into one variant of a $45 model. Go to hell Games Workshop. :D
I spent a good 3 hours touching him up and applying the first layer of highlights on the plates.
I've probably got another solid 2-3 hours left on him. I plan to clutch him tightly to my chest when he's complete.
It'll be a religious moment I assure you.
And here's my poop-ass workspace, if you're curious.
That's all I have at the moment. I'll probably write up my first batrep the next time I get to run my current 1850 Coastal Assault list. Gabe's butt will be gaped by it tomorrow evening (he's relishing the thought).